We have the power and we have to use it!
by Carolyn Larke

I am thrilled with the growth of this medium. A million voices every day. The problem is that we are not speaking up where it counts. Why are Americans not voting? Things are not so good that voices should be silent.

I work with governmental agencies and I assure you that they have the power and are just waiting to assert it. The televison is selling us a diet of murder and mayhem to create fear, distrust and make the population want to be subject to more laws and less freedom. Don't buy it.

There is no greater threat to a free citizen than a government out to protect us from ourselves. We need to get out of the war on drugs. The Internet does not need regulation. The average person does not need to own a gun for any reason other than to hunt for meat if that is your thing. I spent an hour talking to a robbery victim about why she should not buy a gun. Nothing I own is worth killing a person over. The thieves are pathetic, suffering, losers with narrow horizons.

When will we see that hate, fear, greed and poverty are the real enemies. More women know this than men (that's obvious) but we don't speak up enough. For some reason, in order to participate in the big power game I see women selling out wholesale to the morally bankrupt philosophies of patriarchal values. Don't do it!

Strength and itellect are not liabilities no matter how 'cute' the damsel in distess image might be on televison when portrayed by some skinny twig of a woman. Women settled the world. Sociology teaches that production and reproduction are the main functions of a society. When are we going to realize that all the cards were dealt to us. Uppity women, unite!

Is Carolyn right on, or all wet? Send e-mail to Grrowl! and let us know what you think! Responses will be published in Toothmarks.

Grrowl! E-Zine © 1997, Amelia E. Wilson. All rights reserved. Works copyrighted by their individual authors.

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